Morizukuri 2020

Company name

Toyota Motor North America (TMNA)

Date of event

2020/10/28, 11/5, 11/6, 11/9

Place of event

PEMC Nature Trail & Bioinfiltration areas, Georgetown, KY 

Number of participants


Number of planted trees


Tree species

Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Yellow Buckeye, Ohio Buckeye, Allegheny Serviceberry, American Hornbeam, Shellbark Hickory, Shagbark Hickory, Persimmon, Kentucky Coffeetree, Black Walnut, Black Gum, White Oak, Bur Oak, Pin Oak, Red Oak, American Beech, Eastern Redbud, Flowering Dogwood, Sassafras, Sycamore, Tulip Poplar, Willow Oak & Witch Hazel

Participation of advisors


Activity targets, ideas, etc. 

Created Morizukuri 2020 logo for promotion and distributed a complimentary water bottle w/ logo to promote event.  Holes were dug with auger prior to event / trees were placed in the holes to confirm Morizukuri guidelines were followed with planting diversification. 


Other comments

COVID-19 challenge with impact to participation due to pandemic. This event was open to PEMC employees only, due to social distance requirements. The original event was planned with a large celebration that included catering for all PEMC TMs, however, due to COVID-19 restrictions the original large event was cancelled and planting groups were limited in size with multiple days. 

Based on a reflection completed by participants, the event was highly rated. Comments from TMs that they would like to do another Morizukuri in the spring and that they would like for family members to have the opportunity to participate. 

Contact person

PL&EE / Judy Helton / 859-653-1354 / 


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